By Dominik, June 22, 2023 · 4 min read
The amazing “using” keyword from Typescript 5.2
TypeScript is gearing up for its 5.2 release, packed with proposed features from the TC39 committee. These additions aim to enhance developer productivity and code quality. An exciting and highly anticipated addition is the proposed introduction of the "using" keyword. Currently in Stage 3 of the TC39 proposals, this feature is on track to become available for developers in the near future. Its inclusion promises to bring significant benefits and enhance the language's capabilities.
The new “using” keyword
What is Symbol?
Symbols are primarily useful when you need to create object properties that are guaranteed to be unique, even if they have the same name as other properties. This helps avoid naming collisions and unintended property overwriting. EC6 introduced global symbols, which are predefined and accessible globally, providing a standardized way to access common behaviors or meta-information associated with objects. In TypeScript, the Symbol type represents a unique symbol value. Symbols in TypeScript are similar to symbols in JavaScript, but with the added benefits of static typing. You can use the Symbol type to declare and create unique symbols in your TypeScript code. One significant advantage of TypeScript's Symbol type is static type checking, which enables you to identify potential symbol-related errors during compilation. This ensures consistent and correct usage of symbols throughout your codebase. Symbols are particularly valuable in TypeScript when you need to establish distinct keys for object properties, implement custom behaviors or define specialized methods. They serve as a robust mechanism for creating and manipulating unique identifiers in a type-safe manner.
A new global symbol
Use Cases for Symbol.dispose / Symbol.asyncDispose
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He specializes in technologies such as Node, serverless and web/mobile applications. He is dedicated to expanding his skills and gaining hands-on work experience in the field. His biggest flaws are talkativeness, addiction to coffee and delicious food.
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