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By Bartosz, April 23, 2021 · 3 min read

Season 3: The building of QA Business-Oriented Approach

The first time I saw Matthew McConaughey in “True Detective” I was shocked. Earlier looking like Californian boy with a chest like wardrobe and golden hair was as coarse and sluttish as a dirty brush. However as an actor he was brilliant. I understood that he always had big potential but he was pigeonholed under one role.

To Climb the Ladder

Thinking outside the box is one way to change the rules of the game in the market. Matthew McConaughey took a risk and revolutionized his look. He made a splash in his career. He felt responsibility for his work.

Imagine that QA is an actor. He plays some roles in films or theatres. Maybe the lack of a good manager, insufficient commitment or weak motivation is why there is no progress in the career ladder.

In Hatimeria, we strongly understand it. And we admit we did our homework very well.

Key Indicators From Our Client’s Websites

To build an unquestionable engagement of QA work, we created an effective program which collects the fundamental data from our clients’ websites and presents it in the form of charts.

This program is elementary. It presents 8 key indicators:

  • Avg front load speed (s)
  • Avg backload speed (s)
  • Conversion rate (%)
  • Avg order value (eur)
  • Number of sessions (avg per store)
  • Avg front load speed (8-24)
  • Avg web application speed
  • RPM

All team members have access to this program to keep track of their work also displayed on the screen in the kitchen in our office. You can see how it looks here: Untitled design-25.png

Average order value vs. conversion rate, weekly vs daily.

To Increase but Also To Convert Your Sales

Monitoring critical business goals from a bird's eye view is crucial in building high-quality culture work in an organization. The goal of ecommerce is to increase sales but also to convert. The speed of the application always affects the conversion.

More Bang for the Buck

In Hatimeria QA’s job is to increase the quality of the developers' work. QA team members - one by one - are responsible for projects, which maximizes the chances that QA also feels responsible for conversion. This is our way of building the culture of paying attention to quality. We don’t guarantee it but we are still building it.

P.S. Sometimes we are asked how many times QA looks at it. Often, believe me :)

Would you like to innovate your ecommerce project with Hatimeria?

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Work titan, in-depth analytic, lover of good and only very good coffee. Loves traveling, Thai food and his dog Jimmy. Always oriented toward reaching goals, hates when things don’t go according to plan.

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