A_B Testing Checkout Solutions in E-commerce
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By Anna

October 13, 2024

How We Increased E-commerce Sales by Fixing Checkout; A/B Testing 3 Checkout Solutions

A simple payment process is key to increasing online sales. Bedre Nætter, a Danish company that sells beds and mattresses, had a problem with customers abandoning their shopping carts before buying. We used A/B testing to improve their payment system, making it easier and leading to more finalized purchases.

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About Bedre Nætter Bedre Naetter is a Danish company, one of Europe's largest manufacturers and suppliers of beds, mattresses, sofas, quilts, pillows and bedding, selling primarily online through bedrenaetter.dk. Their e-commerce platform offers high-quality products at competitive prices compared to stationary stores.

Case study overview: Bedre Naetter's complex e-commerce system, initially built on Magento with a Luma front-end, encountered performance problems after several years.

We recommended a completely new front-end approach for our client: Hyvä Themes. This is a modern front-end solution for Magento 2. Although technically a Magento 2 theme, it was built with a fresh, redesigned approach. It is much lighter and simpler compared to Magento's standard interface, Luma.

Abandon Checkout and AB Testing


Bedre Nætter approached us with a specific challenge - many of their customers were encountering difficulties when finalizing purchases, which often resulted in abandoned shopping carts. The process is overly complicated and discourages users. We realized that simplifying this step could improve their shopping experience and thus increase conversions.

To find the best solution, we decided to conduct A/B testing. This is a popular testing method in which two or more versions of a given feature (in this case, different payment systems) are compared under real conditions on a website in real time. Each user who visits the site goes to one of the versions, and the results show which version is more effective in terms of achieving the goals - in this case, it was ease of use and finalizing the purchase.

Given that 92% of users consider A/B testing to be the second most important tool for improving conversion rates, right after web analytics. It was a natural choice for optimizing Bedre Nætter’s payment process.


In our case, we ran tests on three different payment systems. Instead of guessing which system best met customers' expectations, we let the data decide. Each version of checkout had a different approach to finalizing the transaction. Through this test, we were able to carefully analyze which system was the most intuitive, fastest and most convenient for Bedre Nætter's customers, and thus which had the greatest impact on reducing the number of abandoned shopping carts.

We ran 3 simultaneous tests to evaluate the performance and usability of various checkout solutions for Magento 2. In particular, we tested:

  • React Checkout
  • Hyva Magewire Checkout
  • Luma Checkout

Real customers made purchases by going through the entire process. We set this up to make sure the data we collected was real and reflected actual user behavior. We carefully monitored each of the 3 checkouts for several weeks, focusing on how fast it worked and how many of the customers finalized their orders. This gave us valuable insight into which solution worked best.

AB Testing Methodology - Process

Our A/B testing process was like a science experiment, but instead of a lab, we used the Bedre Nætter online store.

Here’s the process we implemented:

1. Creating the test software: We made sure the test was as close to the real shopping experience on the Bedre Nætter website as possible. We wanted everything to seem natural to customers.

2. Random assignment: We then randomly assigned customers to one of three payment options, as if we were flipping a coin to decide which door they would go through. This way, the results would be fair and unbiased.

3. Data collection: As customers shopped, we collected important data. We looked at how long it took to complete checkout, how many steps were required, how satisfied customers were, and how many of them actually made a purchase.

4. Analysis of results: Finally, we used statistical tools to accurately compare the performance of the three payment options. This helped us determine which was the best choice for Bedre Nætter customers.

AB tests - Key findings

After weeks of testing, the results were clear for us. Hyvä Magewire Checkout stood out as the best option! Why? Check it out below:

Speed: Hyvä Magewire was by far the fastest checkout, which is crucial because every second counts when customers are making a purchase.

Ease of use: Customers found Hyvä Magewire to be the easiest and most intuitive to use. The simple, clear process meant more satisfied customers.

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More sales: After A/B testing and selecting the best checkout solution, our client Bedre Nætter switched from the old Luma checkout to the new Hyvä Checkout Magewire and the results were extraordinary.

From June to August this year, compared to the same period last year, Bedre Nætter saw a 67.5% increase in the number of users making purchases. This impressive increase in sales is a direct result of the speed and simplicity of Hyvä Magewire, which makes checkouts smoother and more efficient. These results underline how smart, strategic changes can lead to significant improvements in business results.

Why this matters for your business

Our A/B testing shows that streamlining your checkout process can have a huge impact on your e-commerce business. Faster, easier checkouts mean more sales, happier customers, and ultimately, more revenue. By choosing Hyva Magewire Checkout, e-commerce businesses can expect fewer abandoned carts and more completed purchases, leading to higher revenue and happier customers. At Hatimeria, we are passionate about helping e-commerce businesses succeed. We are constantly looking for new ways to optimize online shopping and sales. Our testing results with Bedre Nætter show that even small changes can make a big difference.

Ready to increase your sales and improve your customer experience? Let’s talk about how we can optimize your checkout process and help you improve sales.

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Digital Marketing Specialist

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